Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder (ADHD) is a psychological or mental disorder in children. This disorder mostly begins during childhood and continues into adulthood. Children or teenagers who suffer from ADHD don’t have control over their impulses and they are also hyperactive at times.

This disorder is commonly discovered in the school years of a child when they start showing problems in paying attention.

Symptoms of ADHD

There are three categories of symptoms in a child suffering from this condition:
• Easily distracted
• Doesn’t listen or follow instructions
• Forgetfulness regarding daily activities
• Difficulty in carrying out everyday tasks
• Difficulty in sitting still
• Excessive daydreaming
• Often bounces, fidgets, or squirms while sitting
• Excessive talking
• Always tries to run or climb on different objects
• Never stays seated (restlessness)
• Habitual of interrupting others
• Blurts out stuff in odd situations
• Doesn’t listen to others’ perspective

Causes of ADHD

There are several factors which might lead to the development of this disorder. These factors include:
• Genetic: ADHD can be transferred through genes; therefore, it may run in the family.
• Chemical Imbalance: Certain chemicals or neurotransmitters of the brain (such as dopamine) may lose their desired concentration and increase or decrease in quantity, leading to this condition.
• Changes in Certain Brain Areas: Certain areas of the brain which control concentration and attention might become less active and this can lead to the development of this disease.
• Nutritional Deficiency: Nutritional deficiency in pregnant women, both due to malnutrition or less consumption of nutritious food containing essential elements such as vitamins and calcium, may lead to poor development of the baby’s brain and cause ADHD.

• Accidental Brain Injury or Brain Disorder: Accidental damage of the brain’s frontal area which is called the frontal lobe, leads to problems associated with proper control of emotions or impulses and can cause this disorder.
• Others: Excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking or infections during pregnancy can also affect the proper growth of the baby’s brain and lead to the development of this disease.

ADHD Treatment with Modafinil

Modafinil has emerged as a strong and beneficial alternative for the treatment of ADHD as compared to other brain stimulants such as methylphenidate or amphetamine, because there were many concerns related to increased risk of side effects associated with these stimulants.

Modafinil is basically an agent which promotes wakefulness in a person. Such drugs are known as eugeroic.

The mechanism of action of this drug is to increase the levels of histamine in the body. Histamine is a hormone which is greatly involved in regulating the sleep/wake cycle and keeps an individual aroused and awake during daytime. Hence, Modafinil indirectly activates the brain and treats the symptoms of ADHD such as inattention, rather than directly stimulating the brain centers which can lead to excessive side effects on a person’s psychology.

Modafinil also increases the activity of a neurotransmitter Dopamine which is greatly involved in impulse-control, positive behaviors, motivation and focus.

Hence, Modafinil should be the drug-of-choice for the treatment of people suffering from Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder.